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Mariya Miheeva
First name:

Mariya Miheeva

Last name: mariya
Age: 28
Location details: zvenigovo
Postal address: Str. Gagarina 28, 18, 424000
Phone number:
E-mail address:


Mariya Miheeva ma contact on BADOO.COM, dbut March, 2008, landscape on which I am written down since 1 year approximately. Lay J’y pictures. Mariya m’a propos to report on e-mail on his address we have communiqu on mail ds 12 March, 2008, it talks me this qu’elle loves and lives. Then every day we had a letter e-mail. His words became a generous amount in more pleasant and in love with much from respect. It m’a parl d’elle, n’a no connu his pre, orphan of his mre 13 years, teaches him Russian children of 7 10 years in one cole, n’a no much d’amis, makes a living but poorly, well intgre in his work, mauvaise exprience in love with the Russian man, buveur and violate. I fall in love Mariya. on April, 2, 2008, Mariya I dclare more his flame and qu’elle not I abandons never. We think only itself we we are due to meet and qu’elle arrives me to join. It offers me from quite to leave for me, on amour. Ds it moment-l Mariya m’a contact on tlphone. It says me does not want tre redevable in a financial level but n’a no l’argent, to arrive in Switzerland. Mariya asks me to operate him to attain 965 euros for l’avion, visa and dmarches (on April, 9, 2008) that I had him vers illico (to see Western association). Then quite is all too quickly. It m’a confirm qu’elle had quitt his work and fact fte for his dpart (on April, 12, 2008). I sends a letter him d’invitation. It I says deposit trouv other decision for acclrer he process. Airplane in April, 24, 2008 with the group of travailleur, which one a man has annul his flight for illness.Hid ncessite d’avoir he cash, to pass a custom. It asks... euros me (E-mail of April, 18 2008) that I did him to attain quickly (To see western association). Then I asks... euros supplmentaires for 180 days, which 800 euros qu’elle can not me do his arrive because it is due to pay l’agent and divers frais on April, 21, 2008). I pay him quickly (to see western Association). It m’a then confirm his arriv in April, 24, 2008 18h50 Genve in Switzerland. J’y tais, man. No from Mariya. I by itself am inquit, have appel police from l’aroport. No from a new. Mariya m’an appel tomorrow for m’expliquer his problme, l’ic?ne from his grand-mre which it m’avait parl before qu’elle dropped from dclarer it lays on the custom stopping. Militia he has bloqu l’ic?ne, his papers and his money. I have him demand what flight it hardened Moscou, aeroflot 271. su He fallen short of anything. Then j’ai commenc to suspect his sincrit. We m’a thinks only d’autres people were able to live it mme position as me. In looking the internet j’ai dcouvert that Mariya Miheeva is rpertorie so as scammer in Russia (to see point 5). It continues to enter in a contact me, I he rponds as though from anything n’tait. It m’a demand 3000 euros (on tlphone) for sortir his ic?ne and power to join me. I compelled itself to have so as one teenager. I wish rcuprer my money... dollars Usa and he moral guilt. From a generous amount I want, that this man, Mariya Miheeva, scammer, which cheek on senses of people can more never svir. Hello my amour stone! I tlphonais quite l'heure at you. Aujourd'hui he there had difficult once for me. I walked it banque, j'ai kind news. Tomorrow I can take on loan 1000 euros. My friend Natalya gives 600 euros. Now j'ai 1600 euros. I do not can no m'endormir aujourd'hui. Tomorrow important once in my life! Tomorrow I it am due to pay l'amende. J'ai necessity yet 1400 euros, j'espre only on you. J'avais great expectation d'entendre your voice aujourd'hui, but your tlphones hold back itself. Stone my heart he dchire that is why that your friends disbelieve me! I do not want on business, that you ab?mes relationships with friends. I wish same only for you. My sucr, tomorrow j'attendrai your letter with l'impatience. I t'aime, I fear to lose you. On a quite heart I rve from to begin a new life with you. My amour a stone did me quite for tre with you. J'espre only on you... I t'aime. It is regretted as you n'as no rpondu aujourd'hui. I not can no m'endormir aujourd'hui, I m'inquite much. J'espre hold forever Mariya My love a stone, I am satisfied to get your letter aujourd'hui. These days I did not could t'crire, but I thought much by you. He there had here fte. But I was not felt gladness and happiness, parce that my ides on you... I know, that you wanted me to meet much. I understand, that your friends were important for you and you hold l'opinion friends. I am sad that is why that your friends not I trust no. I do not want to talk on mauvais now, but if your friend by itself is trouv in my position, he understands me. I am lost on business. In the first days, I got your cold letters, your voice tait rough with me. I pleurais, I had disbelieved, that this nightmare took a place with me! I did quite, to find l'argent, I did not want you to ask. But when j'ai understood, that a man was not able m'aider, I I it am adresse aprs hold l'aide. Your voice tait again cold and rough. Your mfiance has cass my heart. My prince stone only, that I wanted, that you trusted me! Only your amour and faith in I, m'aide these days. Tomorrow I am due to get rponse bank. Also Natalya m'aidera... Dernire week tait complexe and nervous for me, these ftes I reposais itself no. I remained house, I did not want n'a man to see! One man from which I wanted to see, hid you my amour! My amour we became in love without meeting. I not m'tonne no from it. When I t'ai having regard to for premire faiths, understood one time, that I am tombe amoureux dj from you. Understood J'ai, that hid you my knight on the white horse of which j'attendais quite life. God we we has mari he there has long on skies, that is why that we are crs l'ami for l'ami. I am done na?tre on it lumire for you, t'aimer, tre your deuxime moiti and to partake with you it life. you m'es trs expensive not conna?t no so as I more t?t vein without you conna?tre. I know, that if we conna?trions l'un l'autre happy more t?t, our lives are lies he there has long we together. But I am thankful in god of it qu'il you m'a donn and for it qu'il has us rencontr. Honey, for us yet in to and I know, that if we t?cherons, we are together and we we rjouirons from every day... Your future woman Mariya


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