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Elena Butuzova
First name:

Elena Butuzova

Last name: Butuzova
Age: 27
Location details: Kazan, Russia
Postal address: Melitopolskaya 45, 420055 Kazan Republik Tatarstan
Phone number:
E-mail address:;


This lady is a Scammer! Look also in Scammer gallerys, like Stop Scammers, Russian Detectives, The russian Tea Room,......and many more.
Please remove the lady from your gallery! Thank you!
Elena "LENA" Butuzova Vladimirovna
Melitopolskaya 45
420055 Kazan Republik Tatarsta
This address she gives me, but the documents I send her, came back, note unknown, nobody knows this Lady. I send three times money to the lady - 1.000,00 Euro, 1.740,00 Euro, 1.550,00 Euro over West Bank Union I send the money to Elena Butuzova Valdimirovna for visa and flight ticket and money to stay in Germany. She did not arrive in Germany.Please you help me with the fight against Scammer. I would like to protect your customers before this lady.

GentleElena <>
Fri, 6 Jan 2006 14:18:40 +0300


Congratulations, XXXXXX. I am very happy to receive your letter today. I to notice, that ours Letters - more and more fulllove andgood mood. So it is good me that in this world is a The person to which I - - is not indifferent. It is very good me as I, to Meet you in my life. I to be however never so is happy. I as Though to fly in heavens. I yesterday to think of our relations and about Our feelings. I already to begin enclosed to to you. I think, it During that time, that we with you are copied, we were very much Rallied and between us, the feeling has appeared, I think, that we The necessary friend the friend. I constantly think of you, you have Accepted a place in my heart. You to similar I and I think, that ours Relations can be deeper. Now my feelings to you are very strong me a Pressure to you, as though a magnet. Your letters my mood are high. To Me it becomes joyful on soul. I understand, that our relations Everyone became more serious and more serious. Your words heat up mine Soul and heart. You in my heart each minute. I am madly happy, that you want to see me XXXXXX. I also today came into travel agency and have found out, how I can go to you. To me have told to cross border, all over again I need in the visa. Cost of the visa up to you about 245 euros. I am very glad, that you want to see me, but all over again I should make out the visa. The visa is made out during 10 days in Moscow, in embassy of your country. Residing at Moscow is very expensive, approximately 40-50 euros day. I need while in 745 euros. You could help me with this money? I very much would be grateful to you, if you help me, my love. I try also to find some sum for trip to Moscow. I today went to bank to find out as I can receive from you money. To me have told, that the fastest and reliable way of moving of money through the Western Union. I do not know, how it works, but you could take advantage of this way? To me have told, that from me the following data are necessary for you: The state - Russia, my full name - Butuzova Elena Vladimirovna. Inform me if you help me. I should receive from you a full name and ten figures - number on which I can take away your money in bank. In my bank to me have told, that these figures should give you in your bank and you should send me them, differently to me will not give a remittance. I think, that I in the smallest details have explained you all and you nevertheless help me also we with you a little shall soon meet. And you while could find out cost of tickets up to you and at what airport it will be better to
me to stop. XXXXXX, you simply do not represent as I is happy, that we shall soon meet you. Your love and future wife Elena

-- GentleElena

GentleElena <>
Tue, 17 Jan 2006 03:30:46 +0300


Greetings my dear XXXXXX!!! I write to you from Moscow. I'm fine, the truth weather very bad here it is very cold. Today I have submitted documents for the visa she will be already ready in revival, also I was in agency, I have decided to fly to you through him. To me have told that it will cost for me in 1850 $. Still I want tell to you that I can to be at you month I hope you are glad to this. If you my lovely and liked XXXXXX will send me of money now that I can already take off on January, 26. XXXXXX as I want to be somewhat quicker with you, to kiss you, to appear in your embraces!!! Here in Moscow I absolutely alone to me does not suffice native me the person who will heat and caress me. I with impatience wait for your letter. Only your Elena.

-- GentleElena

GentleElena <>
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 08:36


Greetings my loved XXXXXX!!! How today your affairs? What problems borrow your day? I today went to agency. I do not know, why to me have not told last time when I came, I now in a shock. I am afraid to tell to you it. I have come behind the ticket and to me have told, that me will not pass at customs house In customs house I should show cash for residing at Germany in day 50 evro. I should show a minimum for 31 day. It is necessary for me 1550 evro. I understand, that it is very big sum, but I need to show this money at customs house that me have passed, this money to return. XXXXXX, I do not know, that to me to do, I in confusion. To go home or to wait, your help. If you send to me this sum I shall keep this money and on arrival I return them to you. I love you, I want you to see very strongly. Answer me necessarily today. I did not begin to buy the ticket as me all the same will not pass through customs house. To me today it is a little melancholy, because all the day long behind a window there was a cold weather. Dark clouds have closed from me the pure sky, and I even began to grieve a little on beams of the warm sun which gave me the light hope that all in my life will be good. Light for me always was a source of hope in which all my life consists. But today in the street it is cold, and I think, that night too will be cold, therefore I will be waited now with only lonely cold bed and a shadow of restless dream. My fine, XXXXXX, you my love, you - my biggest hope fortunately! Now this difficult minute I do not have anybody beside. Only your letters help me to live. I am indefinitely grateful to you for your words which you write to me and which I so for a long time waited to receive. Believe me, XXXXXX, there was no on the ground such fine a man, as you. But I trusted, that my destiny to change. And now all so has turned back, that now I cannot tell precisely when we shall meet. But hope and belief in our love always near to us, XXXXXX. But all this not so strongly operates on me if I know, that now you not near to me. I very much like to write to you and to please you with the letters, but you forgive me, that today I speak about melancholy a little and my letter of you probably today has not pleased. At me tear on eyes why you are not present a beside and you cannot wipe these tears on my person. You have done the utmost for me, but nevertheless one more moment separates us from a meeting. I am now very sad also to me only it is necessary to wait for the letter from you. Whether you can help me? I today wanted to take the ticket, but I
did not begin to take, in fact all the same through customs house I could not pass, if you will help me at once that I can take off still today or tomorrow. I understand, that such money is difficult for finding in short terms, but if you can help me, I shall give you this money, XXXXXX. I shall wait for your letter with impatience. I like, whole, your princess Elena.

-- GentleElena

GentleElena <>
Wed, 25 Jan 2006 17:00:26 +0300


Congratulations my love, XXXXXX!!!

Excuse, that I so for a long time did not write to you. I very strongly missed on you. I and thought, that you will lose me, but I did not have any opportunity to you to write, believe me, my love. XXXXXX, at me the big problem. The grandmother has sent you in a gift an icon, I did not want you to speak about it, it for you simply a gift from our family, I did not think in general, that she has value. This icon sacred, she protects our future family from any troubles. To me the grandmother has told, that we stored her in the house, my love. When I passed through survey of luggage at the airport me at once have detained and for some day have planted in isolator before finding-out of circumstances. To me valuable things have told, that under the law, especially icons cannot be transported through border. Me could plant in general for some years, I am simple at all my love, XXXXXX did not know about it. Me only have let out today and I at once have run in the Internet of cafe to send the letter. To me have told, that it is necessary for me to pay the penalty of 175 minimal payments on 700 roubles. It approximately in the Russian roubles 175 * 700 = 122500 (3571 evro ). If I do not give this penalty that of me will not pass through customs house. I very much regret, that so have taken a place. I at all did not represent, that so it will turn out. I write to you from the Internet of cafe and in me a flood of tears. To me even all the same it is others will think of me. Still people here sit. In me even heart for excitement a little began to fall ill. I seriously do not know, that to me to do, go home to search the help or to wait, that you of me will not throw one in Moscow and will help. To me it is sad, my love. I do not want, that you lost me, no, I now while in Moscow and I shall come again tomorrow for the same computer to know your decision. I again write words about love which I am ready to repeat to you every day. Every day I all become closer and closer to you, my love. I believe, that this distance decreases up to a minimum but when such happened with me in Moscow, now I cannot tell, when we shall meet you. I believe, that I can embrace and kiss once you and in my opinion at this time there will be tears of pleasure and happiness because in this world there is a person whom call XXXXXX. And I shall not exchange your love XXXXXX for any gold of the world. Some days which I did not write to you I thought only of you, thought, that you do, I very much worried, that could not write to you. Now you probably understand, how to me it is hard for one now in Moscow. I am very glad still, that me have left on freedom and now I should pay only the penalty that all to settle with militia. I understand, that it is very big sum, I do not know how to ask you about the help, you and so to me have helped so much much for travel. I wait for your letter. I strongly strongly miss on you, XXXXXX and all dreams only about a meeting and infinite love to you. You simply do not imagine, what for me now heavy time. I was very glad to receive from you letters, in fact only they give me force and belief in our love, that you wait for me and that you will never throw me. On the one hand I very much was upset, that so it has turned out, but on the other hand it is not necessary to despair. I believe, that we shall be together, in fact we like each other. And our love strong and eternal and she should survive looking on anything in this world. That to me now to do, prompt, my love. I so want, that all these problems have ended, I want to be near to you this difficult minute. Where you my love!!! I miss on you. Write to me, I shall look forward to your letter. I LOVE YOU XXXXXX!!!! Your future wife Elena.

-- GentleElena


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